Arthritis | Arthritis Causes | Types | Symptoms & Treatment

Arthritis Causes Types  Symptoms & Treatment 

Arthritis: Due to non-treatment, disability may occur.

If arthritis has already been done, then it is necessary to make early treatment, otherwise, it may also cause stability disabilities in the future.
If there is a pain in your joints, any joint of the body has swelling or closeness, then it can cause Arthritis.  This is exactly like the pain of chikungunya, in which all the joints of the body suffer from pain.  But there is a child difference between the two.  Chikungunya affects the body due to a virus, while Arthritis is an autoimmune disease.  This means that there is no arthritis due to any virus, but in it, the body’s white blood cells (WBC) begin to target their body.  The question is, why is this disease?  One cause of arthritis is genetic.  This disease can also be caused by untimely lifestyle, lack of nutrition and pollution.  This is the reason why there was a complaint of arthritis in the people of the first 40-45 years, but these people are now also sick or underage.  If this disease is there, then it is necessary to get treatment early, otherwise, it can also become the cause of permanent disability.

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What are the symptoms of Arthritis?

Feeling the pain and swelling in the joints of the body.  Many joints also fill the water.  There is stiffness while sitting in one place.  Feeling tired quickly  Appetite also decreases and weight is also reduced.  Many times the fever also comes.  In many cases, these symptoms begin to appear only after a few days, in some cases, they may come up after several months or years.  Symptoms of many people are cured and they can come back again after a few years.  In arthritis, when the disease is at its peak, as well as rising in the morning, joints, bone pain also stops, and this closeness persists for approximately one to six hours.

Types of Arthritis?

Arthritis is predominantly of two types – Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthropathy Arthritis.  Both hands on the bones of the joints Rheumatoid particularly, wrist, knee, elbow, is the same as the pain of the toes and ankles and shoulders, legs.  The hip in Spondyloarthropathy is affected by scapula and spine.  In women, the problem of rheumatoid is high, while in the male there is more Spondyloarthropathy.  Sometimes women in older people may suddenly have severe pain and swelling in any one joint, often in the toes or toes of the foot.  It can also be due to increased uric acid in the blood.  It is called ‘gout‘ which is a type of arthritis.

How do you know the doctor?

  When the disease is in the early stages, it can not be detected from a particular test, etc.  The doctors find out the disease on the basis of symptoms arising out of pain, pain, swelling, etc. in the joints.  However, doctors often perform C-Reactive Protein, Complex Blood Count (CBC), ESR tests.  Special tests are done in some arthritis, but it depends on the stage of the disease.  Apart from this, you can also get exercises, ultrasound, and MRI.  At the beginning of the illness, doctors give cartisan tablets or injections to relieve pain.  Although many times it cures the pain, due to this, it is difficult to detect clinical disease and in spite of illness, its symptoms are suppressed.

What is the treatment of Arthritis?  

If symptoms of arthritis are visible, then do not hesitate to meet the Rheumatologist doctor.  The sooner the treatment starts, the more the joints will suffer less and the future of joint disorders will be reduced.  Doctors add links to reduce the pain, swelling and other problems arising in arthritis but for living a good life it is also very important for the patient to exercise regularly along with medicines.

 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

The diseases which are not completely cured, strong will and regular lifestyles are essential to living with them. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a similar disease.
When a lady woke up for the last few days, she felt the stomach, wrists, and wrists in her hands. It takes several hours for this clutter to recover. This would also affect his daily routine. For many days the masterpiece ignored this closeness. This led to swelling of pain in those joints, where the first was just stiffness. General treatment and pain from painkillers – Swelling was not getting away. Their hunger was also reduced, and the pain was increasing day by day. Even in caring for the children, he started having problems. So she contacted the Rheumatologist. Early detection showed signs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They started taking durable treatment.

Points Covered in this Article

  • arteritis
  • reactive arthritis
  • is arthritis hereditary
  • arthritis meaning
  • rheumatism arthritis definition
  • arthritis wiki
  • rheumatic diseases
  • rheumatology athritis 
  • gouty arthritis
  • what is arthritis
  • types of arthritis
  • rheumatoid
  • rheumatoid arthritis causes

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What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a continuous progression of the disease or a serious illness over time. It affects the joints of the body with bones. Therefore, it also affects everyday functioning. Swollen joints cause swelling in the synovial membrane found inside the joints. Common symptoms of the illness include swelling in the joints and the impact of joints on the joint due to stiffness. Other symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss army, pain due to sleep, and depression-like depression.
A person among 75 to 125 people in the world loses this disease. In India, its cases are increasing gradually. In most patients, it remains a lifetime, whereas in some patients the disease ends naturally after one or two years of illness. Some patients return to the diagnosis of disease in the interval of 4 to 12 years. It can happen to any person from 4 to 80 years old. Well, 35 to 45 years of age women are more susceptible.

How does doctor Find  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?

Several types of blood tests are done to detect rheumatoid arthritis(RA). Hemoglobin of affected patients decreases by 20 to 30 percent normal, while white blood cells and platelet count increases by 10 to 20%.  ESR tests are done for this. This suggests swelling in the body, although it does not clearly understand the cause of inflammation. Inflammation can also be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The test of C-Reactive protein is also similar to ESR. Due to a severe infection or swelling, sometimes the liver seems to be creating C-reactive proteins. Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) is detected based on swelling of joints and confirmation in the test. Find out from the antinuclear antibody test (ANA) that if the patient’s body is not only making antibodies? Sometimes, due to some diseases (even in RA), the body starts making antibodies against its own body. By X-ray, ultrasonography, computed tomography and MRI, we find that there is no damage to cartilage and bones due to RA.

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Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) causes?

Due to the manufacture or protein of antibodies, it starts attacking only on healthy cells of the body. The attack of these cells cannot save any part of the body, whether it is liver, brain, heart or body joint. Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) becomes due to this attack of antibodies on the joints of the body. In RA, attacks occur only on joints, lung parenchyma (a part of the lungs), white of sclera, gland forming in the mouth, and occasionally attacks blood cells of the body.

source dainik bhasker

Get information about natural treatments of arthritis that can support your health and help ease your pain and arthritis symptoms. The article looks at the arthritis types, causes, and treatments, including natural remedies

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