Corona Virus | COVID 19 Symptoms, Treatment

Today we discuss in my health and beauty guide about the most dangerous virus Corona Virus COVID-19 Symptoms Treatment.

Corona viruses belong to a family of viruses that can cause a wide range of diseases such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019, a disease that originated in China has created havoc all over the world. Due to whose wrath lakhs of people died. A new virus which was unknown to everyone was identified as Coronavirus.


corona virus
corona virus


Corona Virus No need to be afraid, but be careful

The outbreak of coronavirus spread in China is also feared in other countries including India.  An alert has been issued in India regarding this.  According to experts, the symptoms of coronavirus are similar to the common flu (colds) infection, so it is difficult to detect easily.

What is corona virus?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, coronaviruses are a group of specific viruses found in animals.  According to Nottingham University virologist Jonathan Ball, it is possible that it could reach humans only from animals.  Coronavirus is one of the 6 most dangerous viruses discovered so far.  Initially, it is not even known that humans have been infected by it.  This is known when the situation becomes serious.

How corona virus spread?

This virus infects humans coming into contact with animals.  But other humans can also be infected by infected humans and that is why it is more dangerous.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it can also spread by the cold, sneezing and shaking hands of an infected patient.

What are the Corona virus symptoms?

Symptoms usually resemble symptoms of a cold, such as phlegm, swelling in the throat, headache, high fever for several days, and difficulty in breathing.  But do not panic as soon as these symptoms occur.  Just be cautious.  Keep in mind if the symptoms are acute, please consult a good expert.

Is there a cure for covid 19?

No treatment has been discovered so far.  Nor is there any vaccine available.  Therefore, doctors use other essential medicines in its treatment only on the basis of its symptoms.  Work is underway on its vaccine.

What to do when an infection occurs?

Take measures that are tried during the normal flu, such as getting enough rest.  Drink plenty of fluids (such as lukewarm water, soup, tea, green tea, etc.).  Take medicines for sore throat and fever.  But avoid aspirin, especially do not give this medicine to people below 19 years.

How to rescue corona virus?

The same method of protection against coronavirus is in the case of the common flu.  That is to avoid direct contact with the patient.  Do not touch his eyes, nose and mouth.  Keep your hands and fingers away from your eyes, nose and mouth.  Apply the eyes, nose and mouth only after washing your hands with soap or lukewarm water.  Use a sanitizer in case you do not wash your hands.  If you are infected yourself, stay at home, especially avoid visiting crowded areas.  Cover your mouth while sneezing so that the infection does not spread to others.

Not all corona viruses are fatal

This virus is not present today.  It was first discovered in the 1960s.  There are many types of coronaviruses and most are not fatal.  But in 2012, the Middle East Respiratory System (MERS), a variant of it, showed its fatalities for the first time when 858 people died in Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries.  In 2003, another type of SARS (SERS) resulted in the death of 774 people.  The virus that has spread in China right now is a new type of coronavirus named 2019 – nCoV.

So this is all about Corona Virus COVID-19 Symptoms Treatment we hope this article is useful for you, if you have any questions or suggestions please write us in the comment.

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Dr. Vandana bubna

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