Cord Blood Stem Cells Treatment Public Umbilical Cord Blood Bank 2024

Today we are going to tell you in my health and beauty guide about Cord Blood Stem Cells Treatment | Umbilical Cord Blood Bank | Best Cord Blood Registry

Cord blood stem cells treat more than 80 diseases

Cord Blood Stem Cells Treatment
Cord blood stem cells
The fetus is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord.  This fact is well known that by this the infant takes its nutrition. Hematopoietic stem cells and ‘progenitors or progenitor cells’ of blood particles are abundant in umbilical cord blood. There have been various research on this in medical science and according to their findings, stem cells found in umbilical cord blood have been found useful in the treatment of many diseases.
The research explored the use of these stem cells in about eighty diseases.  It has been observed that the methods of treatment of many types of cancer, paralysis, heart disease, neurological disorders, metabolic, genetic diseases, etc. can be found using these stem cells. In such a situation, it was reasonable to think that at the time of birth, the cord blood ie the blood of the umbilical cord and the cells in it, should be collected and stored somewhere and used as per the requirement in the future.

Cord blood bank

There are also banks to protect sales. Standards have been prepared for such banks globally.  Cord blood banks have been built on this basis. These banks are of two types – public and private.
Public cord blood banks, like any normal blood cell, collect cord blood of newborns with the consent of the parents, keep it in process and provide this cord blood to anyone, if necessary, after some other procedures.  The material available in public cord blood banks is available in the same way as any other organ transplant.
Private cord blood bank, any parent willingly keeps his baby’s umbilical cord safe only for the needs of his baby or his family.  In many countries of the world, citizens come forward easily in making organs, suffixes, and blood donation, etc.
Public cord blood banks are working very effectively in such countries. Unfortunately, there was only one public cord blood bank in India which was functioning in Chennai.  But that too has stopped.
Essentials of cord blood stem cells.

How does Cord Blood Cell work

It rests on the concept that if a disease is due to a deteriorating gene structure in the patient’s own parent cell, then all of these bad cells of the patient should be removed and taken from a cord blood donor to a healthy cell or cells. After the cells change, as soon as the donated cells start growing, then all the cells that are formed from them will also become healthy and the disease will end.

What is necessary for this treatment?

The most important is the amount of cord blood offered. It is calculated according to the bodyweight of the patient, as the basic requirement for treatment is the cells available in cord blood. Since there is a limited amount of blood in the umbilical cord of a newborn baby, that is, the number of cells is also limited.  It can be said broadly that if a twenty-five-year-old person needs cord blood, then the blood collected from the umbilical cord of only one infant will not be enough for him.
Cell transplant cases in the country are increasing at a rate of 10% every year.
Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation market to be $ 4.64 billion by 2020-24, according to Technavio.

Best CBR Cord Blood Registry

Note:- We are providing information only it is not any kind of recommendation.
Private cord blood services cord bank is very expensive reason is huge investment that can continue for many years. After some research we are providing you some cord blood banks. We have some blood cord banks and the pros and cons associated with each one like
Best Value
Best Customer Support
Best Variety and Flexibility
Best for Families With Medical Conditions
Best for Placenta Banking
Best Processing Time
Best Affordability
Best Overall

Best Cord Blood Bank Companies / CBR Blood Bank

  • Cord Blood Registry (CBR)
  • Americord
  • Cryo-Cell
  • StemCyte
  • Viacord
  • Lifebank USA
  • MiracleCord
  • Maze Cord Blood
  • Alphacord
  • Cryocyte
  • HealthBanks Biotech USA

Cord Blood Registry (CBR)

Founded in 1992, Cord Blood Registry (CBR) is among the oldest cord blood banks in America, with one of the most trusted reputations. CBR operates out of an 80,000-square-foot laboratory in Tuscon, Arizona, and has stored more than 875,000 cord blood and tissue samples to date.
Most notable is CBR’s recovery rate—the correlation between storage time and cell recovery or post‐thaw cell viability of the umbilical cord blood. At 99 percent, it is the highest published rate of all cord banks. The recovery rate is important because you want to pick a bank that will not only securely store your child’s cord blood, but will do so with the highest safety and preservation standards. After all, you may not use your baby’s cord blood until many years down the road.4
CBR is fully accredited by the AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), and is FDA and CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) registered. CRB has several flexible payment options, with plans starting at $49 per month.
Pricing: About $2,840 to $9,390 for lifetime storageThe American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)


Americord has been in operation since 2008. However, their experience goes back over 20 years: their laboratory has been working with cord bank companies since 1997 and has successfully stored over 35,000 units of cord blood.
With AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accreditation and FDA-regulated lab headquarters in New Jersey, Americord has garnered a strong reputation in its first 12 years of operation. It’s one of the only cord banks to offer placenta cell storage along with cord blood and tissue storage.
Perhaps the most stand-out feature of Americord is its insurance policy. Most cord banks will reimburse you if your sample fails to engraft, meaning the blood-forming cells received during the transplant fail to grow and make new healthy blood cells. Americord offers the highest payback rate if the sample fails to engraft at $110,000.
Americord offers generally competitive rates, no monthly storage fees, and no cancellation fees. While you can customize a plan based on your family’s needs, a one-time payment of around $3,300 will get you 20 years of cord blood storage for a single child.
Pricing: $137 per month (one-time payment: $3,299) up to $237 per month (one-time payment: $5,699)


StemCyte has been in business since 1997 and currently has the most racially diverse pool of cord blood inventory. The company offers the best of both worlds: they are both a private cord bank and a public cord bank. So they not only offer you opportunities to store your child’s blood for future use, you have the opportunity to donate cord and stem blood for research.
Both AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) and FACT NetCord accredited, StemCyte has shipped over 2,200 transplants to date and operates on a worldwide scale, with shipments to over 350 countries. The company has successfully contributed to clinical trials for cerebral palsy, autism, stroke, and spinal cord injury.
Because they are both a public and private bank, StemCyte will offer a public sample free of charge if your sample doesn’t engraft, along with $50,000 in compensation and a full refund of all your fees. The company offers annual packages, 18-year storage programs or lifetime packages. There are a variety of payment plans but if paid in full at once, the price for one year of storage is $1,395.
Pricing: Roughly $995 to $2,485 for lifetime storage when prepaid


As one of the oldest and most trusted cord banks in America, Viacord has been in business for 25 years, and has an excellent record of success and customer satisfaction. It has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, accreditation from the AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), and is FDA and CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) registered.
Viacord’s lab in Cincinnati, Ohio is equipped with the same quality freezers used by the CDC and the National Institutes of Health. It stands out for its record of successful release to over 450 families, and it’s often the first company that doctors and other healthcare professionals recommend to interested parties.
In terms of cost, Viacord charges a processing fee of $1,725 which includes the shipping and processing of cord blood and the collection kit, and a storage fee of $175 per year.
Another standout feature is its Sibling Connection program that offers ViaCord’s high-quality cord blood collection, processing, and lifetime storage (78 years) at no cost to expecting parents who already have a child with an established diagnosis that can be treated via a sibling cord blood transplant.
Pricing: Around $2,945 to $6,450

Lifebank USA

Lifebank USA was among the first banks to offer both cord blood banking and placenta banking. Placenta banking is important because placenta tissue is rich in mesenchymal-like stem cells and has the potential to be used for regenerative medicine therapy, such as organ and tissue replacement. Placenta stem cells are being explored for use in immune disorders, spinal cord injuries, blood cancers, and blood disorders.
Founded in 1998, Lifebank USA’s headquarters are located in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey. After your baby is born and their tissue samples are taken, Lifebank offers a courier service that will pick up your collection kit within one to two hours. Your baby’s stem cells are preserved in vapor-phase liquid-nitrogen storage tanks, with 24-hour monitoring.
Lifebank has multiple payment plans based on which type of banking you choose⁠. Options include cord blood, placental tissue, and placental stem cells/placental tissue. The company provides discounts if you register more than one child. For enrollment, collection and processing, and the first year of storage, pricing begins at $1,495. When paid ahead of time for 25 years, storage fees are priced at $125 a year. Lifebank is accredited by the FDA and AABB (American Association of Blood Banks).
Pricing: Roughly $1,495 to $2,895


MiracleCord has been in business for over 20 years, and is AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited and FDA registered. The company has a great reputation, with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Deposits for all services are only $200 and you can choose between a one-time payment or a monthly fee. In addition, MiracleCord has a $100,000 quality guarantee if your child’s stem cells fail to engraft—one of the highest guarantees among cord banks.
But what stands out most is MiracleCord’s excellent processing time. Their “TimeCritical Processing” method guarantees that your baby’s sample will be processed within 12 hours of collection. This means that more viable stem cells will survive the transport and be available should your child need them in the future.
Pricing: About $1,395 to $8,195

Maze Cord Blood

Founded in 1994, Maze Cord Blood is accredited by AABB (American Association of Blood Banks), the FDA, CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), and the New York State Department of Health.
The company takes a personal approach to cord blood banking as Maze Cord Blood founder, Dr. Michael A. Werner was inspired to start the company after his son died of cancer. Dr. Werner believes cord blood might have saved his son and is on a mission to give back to others.
Maze Cord is among the most affordable cord banks out there today. It offers some of the lowest overall storage rates, making it almost half the price compared to its competitors. The company also offers flexibility in terms of services and payment plans. You can choose between a 12-month, 24-month, 36-month, or 48-month payment plan, for example. Plans for cord blood banking start at $2,990 a year.
Maze Cord blood’s personal touch has been praised by reviewers, along with the company’s wonderful customer service and ease of use.
Pricing: Approximately $2,990 to $4,865


AlphaCord offers some of the lowest rates for cord blood storage, and is currently featuring a promotional collection fee of $675, discounted from its already low rate of $995. For parents looking to store cord blood tissue and placenta-derived stem cells, along with just cord blood, AlphaCord has a variety of plans with bundled rates. Additionally, it offers the option of a five chamber bag for $59, which is designed to store more stem cells for potential future use. AlphaCord utilizes lab services provided by Cryopoint Biorepository in Brownsburg, Indiana.
Annual storage fee
Extra services offered
Cord blood tissue, placenta stem cells
Accredited by the AABB and the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB)


Cryocyte—a company of Cryo point, which operates a number of cryopreservation services has been processing cord blood since 2004, and offers attractive rates for cord blood storage in Brownsburg, Indiana. Its cord blood storage services include plans ranging from an annual basis to 20 years, and give the option to store just cord blood or cord blood tissue, too. Cord blood processing prices start at just $849, with an annual storage fee of $115. Additionally, it offers six month and eight month payment plans.
Annual storage fee
Extra services offered
Cord blood tissue
Accredited by the AABB

HealthBanks Biotech USA

For parents looking for options, HealthBanks (formerly Pacificord) offers a plethora of plans along with its cord blood banking services, including premium storage and processing systems, immune cell banking for parents and genetic testing services. For just cord blood banking on its Bronze plan, HealthBanks offers a lower initial collection fee than the other banks on this list, but charges a $19.99 monthly fee after that. Subsequent years of storage at its lab facility in Irvine, California cost $150 annually.
Annual storage fee
Extra services offered
Cord blood, cord tissue, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), immune cell banking, genetic testing
AABB accredited

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