Alternative Cancer Treatments CancerSeek immunotherapy SmartDrugs AI

Alternative Cancer Treatments Cancer Seek immunotherapy Smart Drugs AI

New treatment and technology to be expected for life for cancer. Researcher discover best Alternative Cancer Treatments Cancer Seek, immunotherapy, Smart Drugs, AI. Cancer was previously known as incurable disease, but new techniques of continuous research and treatment are awakening the hope for cancer. Some of which new technologies we will discuss today.

Alternative Cancer Treatments CancerSeek immunotherapy SmartDrugs AI

Cancer Seek Blood Test Will Tell 8 Types Of Cancer

Cancer seek a new technology will tell 8 types of cancer. A recent study published in the science general has revealed that once a blood test will detect 8 types of cancer. This test, named Cancer Seek, can detect cancer genes from 8 types of cancer proteins and DNA, which are passed into blood. is. Among them there are 5 such cancers which no test was available yet. The study included patients of ovaries, liver, stomach, pancreas, food hose, intestines, lungs and breast cancer. Till now, cancer of the ovary, liver, pancreas, stomach and food pipe could not be tested. Cancer seek is a new and basic Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Pan Will Recognize.

According to a report published in Science Translation Medicine, a small pen can recognize cancer symptoms in just 10 seconds. It is a Alternative Cancer Treatments According to scientists at the University of Texas, this device must be held in hand and tested like a pan. This pen can identify cancer tissue. This is kept in the place where there is a possibility of cancer. A drop of water comes out of the pan. After this, the chemicals contained in living cells begin to move towards the drop of water, which picks up the pan for testing. With the help of this pen, a type of chemical finger print is prepared, which helps the doctor to identify whether there is cancer in the tissue or not. 

Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) Will Treat

 In Artificial Intelligence technology without the help of doctors , the machine will scan the disease. Artificial Intelligence can be traced  that there who  is in danger of disease and who is not. It is a Alternative Cancer Treatments. The software designed with the help of Artificial Intelligence will show that the patient’s body does not have cancer. Although this technique will take time to reach the common people, but it will be accessible in the next two decades.

Use Of Smart Drugs

Smart drugs are also being developed for the treatment of cancer. Now the focus of physicians is concentrating on finding and applying medicines according to genetic changes to the treatment of patients. In the US, the US Drug and Food Administration have approved a cancer drug that can be given to a person with genetic discrepancy. It is beneficial for those who have proved chemotherapy for failures. It is a Alternative Cancer Treatments.

Cancer Treatment With Immuno Therapy

Immunotherapy is also known as biologic therapy, its a type of cancer treatment that boosts the body’s natural defense system to fight cancer. Immunotherapy is a new alternative cancer treatment. Scientists working on this have used the body’s immune system. In preparing for the fight against cancer, it has used it as a separate medium. The most recent inventions are immunotherapy, which is done with dendritic cells. In this, new hope of hope for cancer patients has been raised. Modern technology like this America has accepted the treatment for cancer. In America, the use of immunotherapy for the treatment of the prostate and pancreatic cancer has been accepted as AFDA.

There are several types of immunotherapy like Monoclonal antibodies, Non-specific immunotherapies, Oncolytic virus therapy, T-cell therapy, Cancer vaccines

These is the some best Alternative Cancer Treatments Cancer Seek, immunotherapy, Smart Drugs, AI.

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