Types of Dark Circles: Causes, Myths & Surprising Fact
Dark circles are not just about sleep deprivation. Find out the different types, causes, and myths surrounding them.
Pigmented Dark Circles:
Caused by excess melanin, often due to genetics, sun exposure, and frequent eye rubbing.
Vascular Dark Circles:
Bluish or purplish circles result from thin skin and poor blood circulation.
Structural Dark Circles:
Hollow under-eyes create shadow-like darkness, worsened by aging and genetics.
Mixed Dark Circles:
A combination of pigmentation, vascular issues, and structural shadows.
Allergic Shiners:
Caused by nasal congestion and allergies, leading to swollen, dark under-eyes.
Lifestyle-Induced Dark Circles:
Poor diet, alcohol, smoking, and excessive screen time contribute to dark under-eyes.
Hormonal Dark Circles:
Pregnancy, menstruation, and thyroid imbalances can trigger under-eye discoloration.
Medical Causes:
Anemia, eczema, and liver problems can lead to persistent dark circles.
Home Remedies & Treatments:
Cold tea bags, eye creams, hydration, and sleep can help reduce dark circles.
Myth vs. Fact:
Lack of sleep isn't the only reason for dark circles—many other factors contribute to their appearance.
Types of Dark Circles: Causes and Effective Solutions